Letter from the Chief
It is great to be in Elma, a small town with wonderful people! I am extremely honored to lead the Elma Police Department.
Residents, business owners, and visitors alike are lucky to have a police department with very talented officers and staff who truly understand what “community outreach” is all about. Your police department cares about Elma, ensuring we have a great place to live, work and visit and strives to maintain a level of customer service second to none.
As the Elma Police Chief, I am the conduit between the Community, City Government and our department. It is my responsibility to be available to community members while representing your police department in the community and the region.
I would like to encourage the citizens of Elma to join our efforts to keep Elma safe and welcoming to both residents and visitors alike. I believe in transparent communication and have developed an email avenue for you to receive department updates. All you have to do is chief [at] cityofelma.com (drop me an e-mail) and tell me you would like to join this list. About once a month, I will send out information on what is happening in the police department, crime prevention information, crime trends in our area, etc.
I encourage you to contact me any time you have a question or concern. I am your police chief, and we are here to serve you.
In Community Service and Safety,
Chief Susan Shultz
124 North 3rd Street
PO Box 3011
Elma, WA 98541